Our retreats offer a serene environment for individuals seeking to enhance their wellbeing and spiritual growth. Whether you can join us for a day, a weekend, or an entire week. We provide tailored experiences that foster inner peace and spiritual enlightenment whilst providing amazing nourishment for body and soul.
Jules and Genny have been great friends for nearly 20 years and have run retreats and workshops on spiritual development together for over 10 years.
Jules is an ordained Vajraguru of an esoteric Buddhist lineage and received her teachings from a living Buddha. She is the Abbot and Chaplain of the Jambhala Temple near Clacton, Essex. She is a qualified nurse and has over 40 years experience working in emotional and mental health. Jules combines her knowledge to help others on their journey. Jules has many holistic modalities including being a Buddhist Teacher, Reiki Master/Teacher, Clairvoyant, Wiccan, Numerologist, Palmistry, Counsellor and much more!
Genny has been a clairvoyant medium for over 30 years and is an ordained Buddhist disciple. She is a Chaplin and runs a Shrine in Chelmsford. She is a Vedic Astrologer, Vedic Counsellor, Reiki Master/Teacher, aftercare practitioner in addiction and much more!
Together and separately, they have run many different workshops and retreats gently supporting people’s spiritual journeys.
They would love you to join them and allow them to share their wisdom and experiences to enhance your journey and awakening.